Star Trek, Whoopie Goldberg and Coworking

When Whoopi Goldberg was a little girl she loved watching Star Trek. The following is a story she tells about her relationship with that show. She remembers seeing the character Uhura for the first time and being absolutely floored. She had never seen a black woman on TV as anything other than a maid or…

Is Your Message Intuitive?

Creativity is a byproduct of our intuition. Free flowing expression feels good because it comes from a place that is not governed by rules. When creating a message for social media, a blog post or any other type of communication our connection with our own intuition is powerful. Understanding what we feel connected to is…

Try, Try Again


Lean start up methodology urges us to fail fast and often. Design thinking asks you to prototype and ideate. Workplace cultures are striving to become less structured so we can have the space to play and discover. Are these new ideas? I would argue no, ever heard the old adage, “If at first you don’t…

Let Go To Let Come

Letting go to let come. Letting go of something that you have created and love can be hard. Remember, letting go doesn’t mean gone. Letting go is making room. We only have so much time and attention in our lives. And sometimes the best thing to do is to set something free so someone else…

I Want To Be Wrong


I want to be wrong. I want to become flexible, learn and grow. If you are always right then there is never a new point of view to consider or a new way of doing things. Being wrong is the place to be. It means you have new options to consider and new lessons to…

Networking with Purpose!


Thank you! I would like to thank Tania from Feeling Purpose for an amazing evening of networking, that didn’t feel like networking. Feeling Purpose is a community dedicated to helping woman transition into new careers or business ventures. Last night I gathered with a large group of woman and a few men to speed network. At…

Connect Your Dots


Everyone and their brother has been talking about connecting the dots ever since Steve Jobs said - “You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” I love this idea, but I have a different take…

Find Helping Hands Online


You always have a chance if you live to fight another day. If you wake up in the morning to fight again, you are one of the lucky ones. - Howard Davis (My Dad) You can jump off a cliff without knowing what is on the other side. We love stories about people who take…

Too Many Choices on Social Media?


Having choices is something we all strive for. How is it that having too many choices can lead to a feeling of being paralysed? The feeling of paralysis can be scary and overwhelming. Focus is the cure. When you feel like you can’t move, concentrate on moving just one toe, or finger. Focus on one…